EDCI 270 Basic Troubleshooting

Have you ever had technology issues in your classroom? You have to stop what you are doing, try and fix it, and keep your class under control. It can become frustrating, but the key is to be prepared and know who to contact when you need help. It is important to come up with simple instructions for everyone to follow as well as specific instructions for certain situations. 

Your students are learning how to use technology just as much as you are so having patience is key. You also want to make all of your technology content as accessible as possible. One example is ensuring applications are relevant and able to be translated into a student's home language. By creating infographics and steps that are easily accessible to all teachers and students is a great way of being prepared to avoid big problems with technology. Being prepared and organized is huge with teaching elementary education but especially when it comes to technology and technological issues. Here are some ways to alleviate the situation and prevent your students from missing important content. 

Consider what issues can occur: 

- frozen screen

- Wi-Fi is not connecting

- Files are not syncing

- Speakers, microphone, etc. are broke

- Hardware is not recognized when plugged in 

Develop strategies: 

- create "How To" printable guides and videos in multiple language

- keep your steps simple

- ensure applications are relevant to student learning and mobile friendly (improved accessibility)

- have backup plans, alternate options, and provide tech support

  •     know who to contact and have other apps to use or asynchronous work

4 Simple Steps

  • Step 1: Plan ahead
  • Step 2: Identify Problem
  • Step 3: Identify Potential Solutions
  • Step 4: Resolve Problem/Seek Assistance
9 In-Depth Steps
  • Step 1: Identify problem as specific as possible
    • Flowchart with step-by-step instructions
  • Step 2: Refresh webpage
  • Step 3: Try a different browser
  • Step 4: Close and reopen application or website
  • Step 5: Log out and log in again
  • Step 6: Check Wi-Fi signal
  • Step 7: Restart device (hard reset)
  • Step 8: Check for updates
  • Step 9: Clear cookies and cache
These steps can help solve your problem if the problem is related to things like a frozen screen, files not syncing, or the Wi-Fi not working. If you can fix it yourself using these steps then that is great, and you can get back on track!


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