Emerging Technology Chal. 2

Websites for New/Emerging Technologies

1. Emerging Technology Blog


        - What it contains: Table of Personal Tool Categories with Tools, 3 Parts divided into competency, lack of capability, and resources to help lack of capability

        - How it's relevant: Provides an example of how one can assess personal technology tools and competencies, provides resources to help find explanations on how to use new technology.

2. How to Help Teachers Learn New Technology | Edutopia 


        - What it contains: A personal story about school administration's point of view, topics such as forming a digital learning team, questions to ask about new technology, etc., and links to resources such as apps and websites to help get a start on using new technology with tutorials and descriptions.

        - How it's relevant: Teachers need to learn how to choose new technology and what questions to ask to help assess if that technology is useful to their students and classroom.

3. 6 Examples Of Technology In The Elementary Classroom | Built In


        - What it contains: Examples of interactive websites and apps that real teachers have used relating to common core subjects.

        - How it's relevant: This helps teachers keep their students engaged by finding material online that is readily available to students. It also talks about how to teach technology to students.

4. 35 of the BEST Educational Apps for Teachers (Updated 2023) (educationcorner.com)


        - What it contains: 35 suggestions of educational apps teachers can use for themselves or for their students. There are also videos of some suggestions as well.

        - How it's relevant: Instead of looking at a long list of all apps on the app store, this website narrows it down to apps teachers have successfully used in their classroom. 

5. 75 digital tools and apps teachers can use to support formative assessment in the classroom (nwea.org)


            - What it contains: 75 examples put into different categories of apps and websites teachers can use for curriculum in their classroom.

            - How it's relevant: The info is provided by NWEA which is a statewide testing company.

What to type in when searching for these websites: 

"newsletter about new technology for teachers"

"helpful websites and articles about emerging technology for elementary teachers"

"apps and websites for elementary teachers"

Which individuals offer the best info: 

- Purdue University

- Education Corner


- Edutopia

Frequency of which I take time to seek out info on new technologies: 

I download a new app about once a month to help with making infographics, newsletters, interactive videos, lesson plans, etc.

Key questions about value of technology (determining if learning it is worth the effort)

1. How can I re-create formative assessments in an online learning environment?

2. How can I keep my students engaged in the curriculum I am teaching in multiple learning environments? (In-person, blended, and online)

3. How does this new form of technology promote authentic learning for my students?


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