Evaluating Online Resources

Today I am going to use this infographic I created to evaluate four online resources. Each link is provided for all four websites as well as the steps I went through with explanations using my infographic.

Link to infographic: Steps to Evaluating - Infographic (canva.com) 

First website1st Good Example

Step 1: Author is presented and a link is posted to view his achievements and background info.

Step 2: Site has .org in the URL.

Step 3: Compared it to three other websites.

Step 4: CRAAP Test

• Currency - April 20, 2023

• Relevance - has facts and links to resources to help

• Authority - published by Edutopia

• Accuracy - author's background shows accuracy is not an issue

• Purpose - teaching students how to identify credible sources

Step 5: It is a research article.

Second website2nd Good Example

Step 1: Both authors are doctors and background info is presented.

Step 2: Site has .org in the URL.

Step 3: Compared it to three other websites.

Step 4: CRAAP Test

• Currency - February 1, 2019

• Relevance - has facts and studies conducted that tie in with their research and collaboration among teachers and other researchers

• Authority - published by British Council

• Accuracy - both authors are doctors and research is provided

• Purpose - explaining the importance of teaching phonics using research and educational findings

Step 5: It is a research article.

Third website1st Bad Example

Step 1: Author is available but no background info is provided.

Step 2: Site has .com in the URL.

Step 3: Compared it to three other websites.

Step 4: CRAAP Test

• Currency - May 12, 2021

• Relevance - mostly opinion, has a few facts, uses Twitter as a reference

• Authority - published by Edmentum blogs

• Accuracy - no resources showing where the author got his/her info

• Purpose - provides tips (opinion-based) to help students find credible sources

Step 5: It is a blog.

Fourth website2nd Bad Example

Step 1: Author is available but no background info is provided.

Step 2: Site has .com in the URL.

Step 3: Compared it to three other websites.

Step 4: CRAAP Test

• Currency - January 16, 2017

• Relevance - has random references related to Harry Potter.

• Authority - published by The Conversation

• Accuracy - no citations are used and there is no credibility of where the author got their info (slightly opinionated)

• Purpose - explains author's point of view of why teaching phonics is important.

Step 5: It is a journal.


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