EDCI 270 Communication and Collaboration Chal. 1

McKenzie Schilling

EDCI 270 Communication and Collaboration Chal. 1

15 October 2023

Website 1 Link: Mrs. Spitznagle's Teacher Webpage (google.com)

This website is my example that is least effective. Out of all three websites this would be last on my list because there is not much information included and I personally feel like she could have included more about the classroom or what a remote learning day could look like. 

Most Effective Sections

The website provides a home section with information about the Kindergarten teacher. It has a grading policy section to show how students will be graded. It also has a contact information section with her email, phone number, and ClassTag invite message. Finally, it includes a schedule section with the daily schedule and specials schedule. The links to click on for each section all work and there are no glitches. All necessary information for parents are available on her website.


Grading Policy: 

Contact Information: 


Least Effective Sections

The only least effective part of the website is there is nowhere to contact the teacher directly through the website. Some suggestions of what else to include so parents do not have to email with so many questions are FAQ with questions and answers, student handbook, homework policy, classroom rules, sight words or other homework, a weekly newsletter, or directions for remote learning.


Website 2 Link: Mrs. Arbic's Teacher Webpage - ABC's of Room 19 (google.com)

This would be my best website out of all three because this teacher went above and beyond to think of everything parents would possibly want to know or would need for their child. All the links to the sections are accessible, clear, and organized. She did a phenomenal job.

Most Effective Sections

This website provides many sections but is still easy to follow. It includes sections such as home, class information, ABCs of Room 19, a student handbook, homework policy and grading scale, remote learning information, and Google Drive access to weekly newsletters. I love how the teacher went above and beyond to include everything and they organized FAQ in alphabetical order by calling it ABCs of Room 19. These include birthday treats, communication, discipline, emergency sheets, field trips, etc. The remote learning section includes directions on how to use "epic!" at home, how to sign in, and how to access it from multiple devices. 


Class Info: 

ABCs of Room 19: 

Student Handbook: 

Homework Policy/Grading Scale: 

Remote Learning Info: 


Least Effective Sections

The only least effective section I can think of is the Google Drive access to weekly newsletters because parents have to wait for the teacher to accept their request for access and that can be time consuming. Another suggestion is in the home section, putting a positive picture of her or her & her family. 


Website 3 Link: Miss Townsend' Webpage (google.com)

This is my second favorite website out of the three only because her information was not split into different sections and subsections. Otherwise, hers would have been my absolute favorite. 

Most Effective Sections

She has a home section with a thorough "Meet Your Teacher" description with multiple pictures of herself which I loved. In the same section she has upcoming events and the google slideshow of the parent meeting. The parent meeting is extremely in-depth with all information a kindergarten parent could possibly need. It includes an intro of her, contact info, upcoming dates, class schedule, parent pickup info, breakfast, lunch, snack, and recess info, the PBIS school-wide behavior plan, important websites, grading policies, assessments, homework, birthdays, fieldtrips, and resources for parents to practice academic skills with their child at home. She has two more sections that go more in-depth about the grading policy and reading/math resources parents can use at home to practice with their child.


Grading Policies: 

Reading/Math Resources:  

Least Effective Sections

I love everything about her website except I strongly feel her slideshow that had all the info parents would need should have been divided into sections and subsections because it is a lot of information smudged into one area of the website. I will say her slideshow was very appealing and easy to follow which is a bonus in itself.


What Should be Included in a Proper Class Website

- Home section with basic info about the teacher and any basic info about the school.

- Communication section with google form in which parents can directly communicate and teacher's contact info with days and times of when parents should communicate (unless it is an emergency). 

- Classroom expectations including parent pickup info, breakfast, lunch, snack, and recess info, PBIS school-wide behavior plan, grading policies, homework, birthday, assessments, etc. Any info that would fall under parent FAQ's could go in this section.

- Assignment clarifications 

- Remote Learning Info with directions and links to websites/apps


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