EDCI 270 Video Production - Chal. 1 Part A

 McKenzie Schilling

EDCI 270 Video Production - Chal. 1

5 October 2023

·       What types of quality video production software are available that most effectively meet your level of need and budget?

Answer: iMovie and Powtoons are free to use at any time and wevideo is free but you can only publish 5 min of video content per month. I like to use free applications that do not cost money and are simple to use.

·       What types of graphics, music, animations, videos, etc. can be readily and legally accessed and integrated within your produced videos?

Answer: Graphics can be found from Google Search, music can be accessed through YouTube, Apple Music, Spotify, etc. Animations can be found from Google Search, and videos can be found from YouTube. All of these elements can be included in a video to make it more engaging.

·       Where and how will the finished videos be placed so that students/parents can access them?

Answer: My finished videos will be placed in Google Classroom in my future classroom but for now they will be published on my YouTube channel and stored in my Google Drive.

·       Past video experiences in classroom

Answer: I have subbed for my elementary school in my hometown and had to use videos for phonics and math instruction. It was an engagement part of the lesson I was teaching to grab students’ attention and keep them engaged in the content I was teaching. Those short videos were used in elementary grades K-3. I had to sub in a grade 6-8 middle school social studies classroom and they had to watch a 40 min documentary and answer questions based on the video. This was not as engaging for them as they knew I would be giving them the answers at the end of the video. I do not feel that use of video is effective in any classroom. If the video was shorter and the questions were more open ended and discussion based then I feel that could have been more effective. At Purdue I was placed in a 1st grade classroom and the teacher gave me a brief video about communities and who is involved in those communities to show the class before teaching my lesson. The mentor teacher I work with now in a Kindergarten classroom uses GoNoodle videos to give the kids a brain break and get them moving as well as motivated to learn.

Potential Benefits of Creating Videos for Teaching

Potential Challenges of Creating Videos for Teaching

Include whatever content you want

Time consuming

Differentiate it for your students’ specific academic and personal needs

Wi-Fi might not always be available

Create videos based on students' ideas and interests

Application might be difficult to edit videos

Keep videos organized in your own channel or playlist

Application to edit might be costly

Input any transitions, music, audio, pictures, videos, or animations you desire to make your content more applicable

Exporting is not always easy as some videos may be too large of a file.

The potential benefits I included are you can input any content you desire in your own video and do not have to rely on someone else to hope that they include everything you want to teach. Creating your own videos allow you to differentiate content based on your students' specific academic and personal needs. These videos can be made based on your students' interests and ideas. Keeping your videos organized is so important but can be easy when you create them in your own channel or playlist. You can add your own personal touches to your videos by adding transitions, music, audio, pictures, videos, or animations to make your content more applicable and fun for students.

The potential challenges I focused on are creating these videos can be time consuming especially when it comes to the editing part. Wi-Fi does not always work and if you are relying on creating a video, it might not save or export without Wi-Fi. Learning a new video editing software may be difficult at first. The applications used to edit videos may require you to pay to use their features and that might not be in your budget. Exporting videos is not always easy and some videos may be too large to export which can be a pain or waste of time.


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