
Showing posts from October, 2023

EDCI 270 Communication and Collaboration Chal. 4

McKenzie Schilling EDCI 270 Chal. 4 19 October 2023 When my peer reviewed my infographic, they said the points I made were good, however, they gave me critical feedback on how to improve what I was saying. They said think more like your students and what would have motivated you back in elementary school to collaborate on group projects. I thought this was very beneficial because she came up with ideas I hadn't thought of. For example, using games to motivate students was an idea she came up with that I loved. When I come up with phonemic awareness tutoring lessons for my focal students, academic games are the only way to motivate them to learn.  It was a great opportunity that we were able to work together and respectfully listen to each other's views. The only challenge was getting more than two people to look at my infographic and the second person briefly looked at my infographic and said, "It looks great, good job." The first person provided great feedback that I

EDCI 270 Communcation & Collaboration Chal. 3

McKenzie Schilling EDCI 270 Chal. 3 19 October 2023 Score of Blog post, _________________________________________________________________________ Link to Professional Learning Network 1:  About Us - Children's Literacy Initiative ( - Relation to Phonemic Awareness : It gives support to teachers who have taught or will teach phonemic awareness. There is a spot for supporting educators and scheduling a workshop. There is another section that talks about transforming literacy instruction. There are in-person, blended, and online workshops available. The goal of these workshops is to collaborate and share ideas about improving instruction to help children become better readers, writers, and thinkers. - Description of how it helps understand phonemic awareness : There are workshops about how phonemic awareness is taught using concepts of equity, early literacy instruction, creating and managing the literacy environment, intentional read-alouds, family engagement, how to motivate

EDCI 270 Communication and Collaboration Chal. 1

McKenzie Schilling EDCI 270 Communication and Collaboration Chal. 1 15 October 2023 Website 1 Link:  Mrs. Spitznagle's Teacher Webpage ( This website is my example that is least effective. Out of all three websites this would be last on my list because there is not much information included and I personally feel like she could have included more about the classroom or what a remote learning day could look like.  Most Effective Sections The website provides a home section with information about the Kindergarten teacher. It has a grading policy section to show how students will be graded. It also has a contact information section with her email, phone number, and ClassTag invite message. Finally, it includes a schedule section with the daily schedule and specials schedule. The links to click on for each section all work and there are no glitches. All necessary information for parents are available on her website. Home:  Grading Policy:  Contact Information:  Schedule:  Lea

EDCI 270 Video Production - Chal. 1 Part B

 McKenzie Schilling  EDCI 270 Video Production - Chal. 1 Part B 5 October 2025 I chose iMovie, Filmora, and PowToons to compare. Overall, these three editing technology applications include five key features that I want to point out. All three have a voice over feature which I use in all my videos if I am not directly talking in the video. This feature is easy to find in each app and simple to use. All these apps allow you to preview your edited video and edit multiple tracks at the same time. This is very helpful because you could add a video in your app while editing the music or voice over aspect at the same time without having to switch screens. Closed captioning, subtitles, and titles are easy to input and edit in all three video-making applications. These things are helpful for any student but especially students with hearing impairments. Stock videos, photos, and music are all available in each app and this is helpful because I do not always have the time to use Google Sear