
Showing posts from September, 2023

EDCI 270 Basic Troubleshooting

Have you ever had technology issues in your classroom? You have to stop what you are doing, try and fix it, and keep your class under control. It can become frustrating, but the key is to be prepared and know who to contact when you need help. It is important to come up with simple instructions for everyone to follow as well as specific instructions for certain situations.  Your students are learning how to use technology just as much as you are so having patience is key. You also want to make all of your technology content as accessible as possible. One example is ensuring applications are relevant and able to be translated into a student's home language. By creating infographics and steps that are easily accessible to all teachers and students is a great way of being prepared to avoid big problems with technology. Being prepared and organized is huge with teaching elementary education but especially when it comes to technology and technological issues. Here are some ways to allev

Emerging Technology Chal. 2

Websites for New/Emerging Technologies 1.  Emerging Technology Blog     Overview          - What it contains: Table of Personal Tool Categories with Tools, 3 Parts divided into competency, lack of capability, and resources to help lack of capability          - How it's relevant: Provides an example of how one can assess personal technology tools and competencies, provides resources to help find explanations on how to use new technology. 2.  How to Help Teachers Learn New Technology | Edutopia         Overview         - What it contains: A personal story about school administration's point of view, topics such as forming a digital learning team, questions to ask about new technology, etc., and links to resources such as apps and websites to help get a start on using new technology with tutorials and descriptions.         - How it's relevant: Teachers need to learn how to choose new technology and what questions to ask to help assess if that technology is useful to their stud

Emerging Technology Chal. 1

 Evaluation of Technology Tools Tool Category   Which technology tools do you use for… Tools you use How often do you use this tool? 1 = very infrequently to almost never 2 = monthly  3 = several times a week 4 = several times a day …your personal  production  (e.g., word processing, presentation development)? Google Slides 2 Google Docs 3 Microsoft Word 4 Microsoft Edge 4 Spell Check 4 Blogger 3 …your  communication  to friends, co-workers, students, etc.? Gmail 4 Outlook 4 iMessage 4 GroupMe 2 Google Classroom 1 …helping you  manage/organize  your life? OneDrive 4 Google Drive 4 Gmail Folders 4

Evaluating Online Resources

Today I am going to use this infographic I created to evaluate four online resources. Each link is provided for all four websites as well as the steps I went through with explanations using my infographic. Link to infographic:  Steps to Evaluating - Infographic (   First website :  1st Good Example Step 1: Author is presented and a link is posted to view his achievements and background info. Step 2: Site has .org in the URL. Step 3: Compared it to three other websites. Step 4: CRAAP Test • Currency - April 20, 2023 • Relevance - has facts and links to resources to help • Authority - published by Edutopia • Accuracy - author's background shows accuracy is not an issue • Purpose - teaching students how to identify credible sources Step 5: It is a research article. Second website :  2nd Good Example Step 1: Both authors are doctors and background info is presented. Step 2: Site has .org in the URL. Step 3: Compared it to three other websites. Step 4: CRAAP Test • Currency -

Internet Safety - Protecting Digital Identities & Data

 Things to consider about online privacy and security: - A strong password helps protect someone from hacking you and getting ahold of your personal information. - Information that is "ok" to share about you online is...     1) Your first name or a made-up name     2) Your educational ideas and lesson plan ideas     3) Pictures that do not have anything controversial or do not have any of your students in them - Clickbait is when a headline, URL, website, or social media post looks appropriate but turns out to be inappropriate or unsafe once it is clicked on and opened. You can avoid it by ensuring URLs have HTTPS, .org, .gov, etc. Use your personal judgement on if a headline or website sounds appropriate. If you are unsure, do not click on it or use it.  - Companies collect and use data about you when you watch advertisements or when you sign up for a website and put your personal information in. There are privacy rights, but your information is still given to these companie

Internet Safety - Recognizing/Addressing Oversharing

 Oversharing On Social Media Problem When teachers and/or students share too much personal information on social media, that person becomes at-risk for someone who is looking to cause harm or use their information inappropriately. The problem is some teachers do not receive proper training, so they do not have the knowledge on how to avoid and prevent these things from happening.  Training Resources for Educators How to recognize it An educator should know the laws of privacy regarding FERPA (Family Educational and Rights and Privacy Act) and should talk with their administrator and school district about what is appropriate to post about students on an online. Teachers should know what students are putting online during school especially on a school-owned device.  20 Ways to Avoid Oversharing Steps to overcome problem There are ways to overcome a problem regarding oversharing such as making separate accounts, gaining handwritten consent from parents, the students, and the school, think

Internet Safety - Teacher's Perspective

RESOURCE #1 Today, I am talking about internet safety based on a teacher's perspective. My first resource I want to introduce is about strengthening your professional presence on social media and ensuring you know exactly how to keep your personal life out of your professional life and vice versa. Social media has pros and cons, but it can be beneficial if it is used properly. The pros are it can help you collaborate among other teachers about lessons and academic ideas, find a school to work at, and share your skills. The cons are you might make negative assumptions about coworkers and other teachers before you get a chance to know them, unhealthy comparisons are made, etc.  First, you are going to want to pick social media that coincides with your career. For example, LinkedIn and Pinterest are great ways to share and grab ideas for lessons, projects, behavioral management, and more. TikTok would not be a great example because it is more of an entertainment platform, and you shou